| Fadhil Yunus |
THE 2015 DST FA Cup final to be contested by reigning holders MS ABDB and Indera SC will be further added spice in that the mouth-watering clash will decide the most successful head-to-head records between the two elite sides at the Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium tonight.Indera SC’s victory in the DST Sumbangsih Cup threatened to act as a preview but it was merely a warm-up to the season which oversaw a stellar campaign from the army side, announcing the tide of superiority starting with a victory over the then holders in the league.
Their recent clash ended in a 2-2 draw but MS ABDB had long wrapped up the DST Super League title, and that it only acted as a dress rehearsal for the FA Cup final now the two teams are confirmed of their places in the final.
MS ABDB interim manager Razanol Hardi Abdul Razak said that the two rivals have showcased good football whenever both compete against each other and that they played their socks and hearts out in the search of victory.
Razanol insisted that they have not taken the pedal off in the Indera draw despite already confirmed as league champions emphasising that his side have shown the hunger and desire to win and that they played to their maximum.
“That is an example of a very good match between MS ABDB and Indera SC. Both teams played all out,” he said during a pre-match press conference at NFABD House yesterday.
Asked on where the priority of winning titles lies for the newly crowned DST Super League champions, it is apparent that the competitions have been valued with equal measure.

Team captains of Indera SC (red) and MS ABDB (blue) holding
the Challenge Trophy. – PHOTO: KHAIR-IL HASSAN
the Challenge Trophy. – PHOTO: KHAIR-IL HASSAN
“The aim is the result of their hard work. We go out there and do our best,” he added.
Meanwhile, Indera SC head coach Haji Omar bin Haji Jamil said that the players are in high spirits and carries an advantage in terms of match fitness and experience.
He expressed his hopes that the players can deliver to good effect and grasp every opportunity present to ensure success for Indera SC.
“The riddle will be solved after 90 minutes at the Hassanal Bolkiah National Stadium,” continued the Indera head coach.
“Anything can happen in the final and if the players demonstrate strong spirits and produce a high performance, I am sure Indera SC is capable of bringing home this prestigious trophy.”
“What is important at this stage is that our players must preserve their focus and enhance the understanding as a team and stamina because MS ABDB is a quality side.”
“I admit that Indera SC have high hopes in creating history yet we have to keep our tactical tempo and discipline from every player intact in order to outwit MS ABDB,” he said.
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